The show follows the journey of a young girl, Kavitha, a spunky college student, and her quest for answers in the mysterious case of her brother’s untimely death. She discovers a world of deceit, lies and cover-ups while battling a mysterious force that wants her to stay silent. As she unravels the layers of secrets, her journey becomes a race against time as she delves deeper in the murky and dangerous underworld. She also discovers that she holds the key to decode the hidden secrets of Thamburatti, the intriguing and mysterious land of Navarasa.
Thamburatti, set in the year 2023, is a hot and exciting Malayalam web series with a Navarasa vibe. The series follows the story of a young man, Srikanth, who is thrust into a deadly power struggle for the control of an ancient Thamburatti estate. He must battle mysterious forces and dark forces, as he attempts to unravel the secrets buried deep within the family’s secrets. From thrilling action sequences, to suspenseful sub-plots and a captivating story-line, Thamburatti is sure to have fans hooked until the very end.